Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day! showing off my valentines

I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Valentines Day! I spent the day with my Father, and the evening at home with my kids. They were my valentines this year, they make me feel so loved. I don't know what I would do without my family. I just wanted to blog about how I felt this year on this Hallmark Holiday! This to me is a really fake and silly holiday, until now at least. Sharing this day with people I am sure care about me somehow made it feel more special, funny how things work themselves out. I honestly couldn't be happier in pretty much any way. I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow! Life is truly amazing.

This is one of my little Valentines this year!

My other Valentine this year.

They thought the bathroom was a good place to take a picture but I thought they looked cute anyway.

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