Sunday, February 17, 2008

Saturday (tore my fence up!)

I started to write last night (which I forgot to finish) about my friends naggy boyfriend, then I fell asleep. I am counting this posting as my Saturday posting cause thats when I started it.

I have something to share with you all for real now!

We live on a street that has four houses on it, and it is a dead end street. We just got new neighbors a couple weeks ago in all the other three houses. One house on our street has the problem I complain about most with my neighbors, too much traffic to their house. Well this is one very good reason I don't like neighbors. You see I am pretty sure they party over there, so I imagine that they got to drunk and went to go home in their big black or grey colored van or truck (both have been seen there) backed into my driveway to turn around but wasn't a good backup driver, and tore the literal crap out of my fence.

I also got some pictures of the paint they leaft behind on our fence from their vehicle. For your enjoyment here they are.

In the drunkin stuper they must have been in a hurry to leave frearing they had already been caught and bumped my van as well.

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